Monday, December 17, 2007
Snow, snow, snow!!!
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas here!! Over night on Friday we got about a foot of snow much to everyone's surprise (or at least to my surprise....I'm not sure if other people follow weather reports here or not but I certainly had no idea it was coming!) and its been snowing on and off since then so quite a lot has accumulated! It really makes everything here so much more beautiful...there are so many trees in the city and seeing all of them covered in snow makes me forget sometimes that I'm in the middle of a city.
Saturday night I was able to experience the snow in a true Molodovan way. After Bible study, a bunch of youth from my church and I went outside for a snowball fight which included me being white-washed about ten times. We then went to a hill for some rolling, yes rolling down the hill like a bunch of little kids. No one had been in this snow yet and we didn't have sleds so everyone just rolled down the hill like logs in the deep snow (now more than a foot). It was definitely one of the craziest things I've done here yet! Then they showed me the best way to go down the hill without a sled: you lay on your back and put your feet up and slide down head first! It was the funniest thing to see people sliding backwards down the hill like that. The best thing was that it really worked...if you are ever without a sled and see a steep hill you gotta try this because it is so fun, just make sure there are no trees, cars or anything else that you can run into because there is no way to see where you are going. By the end of the night I was completely covered in snow and it was certainly awkward getting on the minibus to go home with everyone on it looking at me like I was crazy!
Saturday I went to a craft fair for items sold by different humanitarian organizations from around the world that are here in Moldova. It felt very different to be at a Christmas fair like that in Moldova and even weirder that so many people were speaking English everywhere. There was a Santa Clause that yelled out greetings to the vendors and this giant children's choir that went with him and sang carols along the way. The weird thing was that this Santa looked absolutely terrifying! (this picture definitely doesn't do him justice...he really was scary up close). He was not only too skinny but there was something wrong with his face. It also seemed like everywhere we went he and his entourage followed us so we were constantly trying to escape him. Besides that it was really fun to get to hear some Moldovan carols and look at all the crafts from different parts of the world. My roommate Shauna bought a can of Campbell's tomato soup from an American organization and I even was able to enjoy some Turkish espresso! It hasn't really felt like Christmas is coming lately but this weekend definitely set off the season for me!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
More Pictures!
So anyway the new living situation has been awesome. I loved my living-with-Moldovans experience but it was really hard to be myself there and do what I wanted. (This is my new roommate Shauna, we had just gotten back from getting new haircuts...its totally inexpensive to get a haircut here but its really hard to communicate what we wanted with our limited Romanian vocabularies) My new apartment is really big and I have definitely enjoyed being able to cook for myself and experiment with new types of food….its not always easy to find ingredients here for American recipes so its been quite the challenge trying to find substitutes. Just going to the grocery stores here can be an adventure! You never quite know what you are buying until you try it out here. The other day I tried to buy rolls for hamburgers but they ended up having a big glob of caramel in the middle when I cut them open! Not really the type of sauce you want for your hamburger. The best thing about the food situation here is how cheap it is to go out to eat when cooking gets too rough. Most of the restaurants here have decent prices and some of them are even down-right cheap for good quality food. Just last night I had a great meal that I paid less than four dollars for….certainly not starving here by any means! Traditional Moldovan food is really good for the most part….they eat a lot of soup, meat-filled crepes, sausage, chicken and beef plus a lot of different types of fruits and vegetables since Moldova grows lots of fruits and vegetables. Its pretty rare to see a young person who is overweight here but a lot of the older people are not skinny at all. I think that it is very unacceptable to be overweight is you are young but not a problem once you reach a certain age. Another interesting thing is how open and honest they are about weight issues…they are not afraid at all to say that they think someone weighs too much. It certainly catches me off guard because in
I just finished up a book that I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to know more about Moldovan culture and be entertained at the same time. The book is called Playing the Moldovans at Tennis and is the true story of this English guy who goes to
A month or so ago I got the chance to go to a cave monastery North of the city. It had been built in the sixteen hundreds and was positioned basically on the edge of a cliff. It was very interesting to see how Orthodox monks lived hundreds of years ago to escape religious persecution and to live lives of discomfort in obedience to God. The church inside the monastery is still in operation and so there were people in there worshipping while we were there. I also had the opportunity to go to the big Orthodox church here in Chisinau a few weeks ago for a Sunday morning service. Its really interesting to me how their services and most of the rituals that they go through are exactly the same way that many early Christians worshiped God. The Orthodox services are so different than how most Evangelical/Protestant Christians worship but still both are part of the religion of Christianity. It was still hard for me to believe that I was in a Christian church when I was there since it is so much more formal than I’m used to and there are so many rituals that I didn’t understand. (this is a monk at Old Orhei, the cave monastery)
The weather’s been about the same as I think it would be in
My Thanksgiving was just about as great as it could have been. I’m very blessed with the American friends that I have here who are just as excited to celebrate American holidays as I am. It was really fun being able to cook some of the meal and actually be a part of the preparations for the day. It was nice because a lot of the ingredients came from
Last week my friends surprised me with a birthday party since they are all going to be gone for Christmas when my birthday rolls around. It was quite the surprise since my b-day won’t be for another month! We also went bowling which was fun since none of us have been for a while. I’m certainly blessed with great friends here! They even bought me a sparkly wig for the event!
Thanks to all you that send me updates of what’s going on. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and that your holidays will be great if I don't hear from ya!
Monday, October 1, 2007
(this doesn't have to do with anything I was talking about-this is a picture of a bunch of old guys playing chess and backgammon...its really cute, a group of them are always on these benches at this park playing games)
So there have been a lot of new things going on lately. About a month ago I was really starting to get bored and was feeling like my time here was just dragging on (hopefully not the feeling you get when you read these incredibly long updates). I began praying a lot about it and I figured out that my problem was that I had too much free time and not enough things to do. It was about this time that one of my friends from work invited me to come to a ball-room dancing lesson with him. I figured that it would be something cool to go to once and then politely decline to ever go again. Well, it turned out to be really fun so I decided that even though the lessons are in Russian, I’ve taken enough dance lessons in the past to understand what’s going on. The crazy thing is that lessons are three nights a week for an hour and a half each lesson. Man, when Moldovans want to learn something, they really go crazy over lots of lessons. I’ve heard that its like this for all types of things that they want to learn, they’ll have three or four lessons a week. In America, we hardly ever have more than one lesson a week for anything like this. So anyway its been a total blast and I’ve met a lot of cool Moldovans that aren’t Christian so I finally feel like I have the chance to witness a bit. There certainly aren’t many Moldovan Christians in dance lessons because it is considered a sin here by some churches to dance in any way. Yeah, thought I was getting away from the “dancing is a sin” thing when I left NNU but I guess its true that your sins follow you wherever you go!!
In Moldova around this time all of the Protestant churches have harvest celebrations that are somewhat like our Thanksgiving. Its not a holiday here or anything but rather the churches just chose a Sunday to have their celebration. Basically for the harvest celebration, people in the church donate all different types of food to the church and then the church gives this food to those in need. The church also puts on a big service much like something we would see for a Christmas program. This past Sunday was the “Seceris”, as the day is called in Romanian, at the church that I’ve been going to here. The service was outside and consisted of three hours of sermons and different performances by musical groups. Luckily one of the sermons was given by an American in English and then translated so at least I could understand some of what was going on. There were also these amazing displays of different kinds of food like a display for fruits and vegetable and then another display for bread and sugar. There were also these giant bunches of grapes that were made up of normal sized grape bunches (yeah see the picture, way to hard to explain). It was really interesting to see how big of a deal harvest time is to the people here. In America, unless you’re a farmer, the harvest time doesn’t really mean very much any more. Anyway, Seceris is definitely different than our Thanksgiving because it doesn’t involve a meal for the people involved. It is all about giving food to the church for the needy. I didn’t actually know that until I went to church expecting a potluck and afterwards was like “so, where’s the food?” only to find out that the point was to bring food for the poor. Good thing I didn’t bring a dish for the non-existent potluck!
My work here has been going good…I’m still in the middle of this video project that I’ve been working on for a long time. I never realized how much goes into a video like this. Its definitely got me watching movies and videos with more appreciation for all the different things that need to come together for the right effect to be created. Please keep me in your prayers about this project. I’m starting to get a little frustrated that its taking this long and that certain parts haven’t worked themselves out yet. I gave myself a deadline today for two weeks from today for it to be done…I think that lack of pressure has definitely been a factor for why its taking so long. Even though I hated the pressure of homework and deadlines in college I think that I really need motivation in order to get anything done. Like I said, please keep me in your prayers! One thing that you may be able to help me with is music. I’m trying to find Christian instrumental worship music for the background of my video. It sounds like easy music to find but I have been looking everywhere and can’t find what I need. I suppose why it is so hard is because I need upbeat (let me emphasize- not slow) music without any voices and not from the 80’s or orchestra-like. Oh and it also has to be popular enough that I can buy it through iTunes. Basically, I need music from a modern day worship band that isn’t afraid to rock out a bit but at the same time isn’t too crazy for a Christian business video. If you have any ideas, shoot me an email with the artist name and/or song title…your song could be a little bit famous if it works!
Some of the most exciting news for me is that I’m moving soon to an apartment here. I’ve really enjoyed living with a family but I think that it has been hard adjusting to both being in a strange country and not living on my own anymore as I did in college (well, sorta if you consider living in the dorms “on my own”). I had been praying about if for a while and was starting to think that there was no way that I was going to be able to find both a place that was affordable and a roommate who wouldn’t drive me crazy. Then out of the blue one of my American missionary friends here asked me if I knew anyone who was looking for an apartment because she was looking for a roommate. So God definitely worked that one out! I’m moving in two weeks to a fully furnished and affordable apartment completely free of Russian dance music. Yeah, so all the younger people here love this techno/disco dance music and all three boys in the house I’m in now listen to it at full volume all the time (even if it is a sin to dance, I guess listening to dance music is okay). I’m so excited to be moving and its made my outlook of being here for an other five months so much better. It was hard trying to explain why I wanted to move out to my host family. The culture is so much different than in America because most young people here live with their parents until they get married, and a lot even stay with their parents after they’re married too.
Last weekend the American embassy put on a weeklong American western film festival….I only had the chance to go to one movie but it was a great one. It was the movie “Maverick” and if you ever get the chance to see it, you should watch it because it is pretty ridiculous and entertaining at the same time. It was weird to get to go to a theater and see an American western playing in English…made me feel like I was home for a little bit. (This is a giant cowboy hat and a regular sized cactus that was part of the decorations for the film festival)
Thanks again for keeping me updated on what’s going on in your lives…I really love hearing the latest news! Please remember me in your prayers if you think about it. I’ve been having these strange headaches for about a month and a half and I don’t think its anything serious but they’re still annoying when they hit. I haven’t had one for a week so maybe that was the end of them or maybe they’re waiting to hit again. Its so interesting to see how God answers prayers, reading back over my prayer requests from my last few newsletters I realized that God has taken care of all of the requests that I’ve had....yeah one cool thing I wanted to share was that I had said in my last letter that I was struggling to get into a daily habit of reading my Bible. It suddenly hit me a month ago or so that if I was on some sort of reading plan that I would probably be able to stick to it better. I found a website that has reading plans for reading the Bible in a year. Its pretty cool because it has the reading on the website and it keeps track of how many days I’ve read and how many consecutive days I’ve been there. I’m definitely a little bit behind and will have to catch up if I want to be done with the whole Bible in a year but it has really helped me to read consistently. Here’s the website in case you want to try it out :
(Sorry, I'm a little short on relevant photos this update, this is a very beautiful Orthodox church/monastery that is right by my house) I’ve had some interesting food experiences in the past few weeks and my water bottle recently had an adventure so I’m going to be writing some more blog entries soon so check back if you’re interested. I’m hoping that by saying I’m going to write about this stuff that I’ll actually have enough pressure to do it.
Hope you’re all doing great!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Have you ever wondered what outer space smells like? Well wonder no more! This air freshener has managed to capture the smell of space in a can and bring it right to your home for your smelling pleasure. Not only that but this freshener claims to be both a “neutraliser” and an “antibacteriser”….see picture for verification! (if any of you were curious, outer space actually smells a lot like cinnamon).
Sunday, July 29, 2007
So many things have happened since my last entry...I don't really know where to begin. I'll try to give the briefest account of what's been going on. I've been very blessed lately to suddenly have a lot going on and to always have people to hang out with. I expressed to some around a month ago that I was starting to get bored here and that I didn't really feel like I had met many people to be close friends with. God definitely answered my prayers and I have been meeting a lot of good people here lately. Thanks for for all of you that have been praying for me!! God certainly answers prayers. (here I'm helping de-pit cherries with my friend Tanya to make compote which is basically canned juice. Its the best stuff ever, I don't understand why we don't make it in the US)
One of the best parts (at least in my opinion) of being in Moldova in the summertime is the overabundance of shesliks otherwise known as BBQs to Americans. Sheslik is the Russian word for shiskabob so at these events the main food is pork or chicken shiskabobs grilled out over an open flame. I've been very lucky to be invited to a few different picnics and have been amazed a how incredible the food turns out every time. I have to say that sheslik far beats out the usual American hamburger or hotdog grilled out at BBQs. A month or so ago my host family plus all of their friends and extended family had a big sheslik out in the forest to celebrate my host mother's birthday. It was so nice to get out of the city for a little while and to be able to see a bit of the country side. A volleyball net was set up and all of the young people played volleyball for almost the whole day. I must have been missing playing sports or something because I just couldn't stop playing even when my arms got really sore. It was definitely a memorable day.
One of the strange things that I learned about birthdays here is that they are not always celebrated. Since so many people are poor, birthdays are too much of an extravagance to celebrate every year. So for these people their birthdays are celebrated every five or ten years. I just couldn't believe the States I've never heard of not celebrating someone's birthday unless of course their birthday is forgotten. Another thing is that the presents that are given are for the most part very practical. For my host mother this year, I pitched in to buy her a baking pan which was considered a very nice gift. I couldn't believe how happy she was when she received it. Sometimes its so easy for me to forget how poor some of the people I see all the time really are...some of them dress very nice but they only have a few outfits. I've heard that so many people are like that here. They put on the appearance of having money but really they only have a few nice outfits. I get tired sometimes here wearing the sames clothes since I could only bring what I could fit in my suitcases on this trip. But when it comes down to it, I have more clothes in what I brought than what most people have in their whole wardrobe. I just don't understand why I am so privileged. Sorry, I feel like I'm always preaching in these blogs about how blessed the US and I know that that is the typical thing for missionaries to say but its just been weighing on my heart so much since I got here. Its so hard for me to know what to do with all of the resources that God's given me. I feel like I'm so selfish sometimes.
My internship has been going very well....I'm so lucky to be doing different types of things and to be learning new things all the time. Right now I'm in the middle of writing a script for a two to three minute video that I'm putting together. I've never done any project like this before so its been really fun to learn some new programs and to get to be creative. I've been so blessed to be able to be an intern in this is everything that I was looking for in an internship and the experience has been so valuable so far. It really hit me the other day that I am doing exactly that I've wanted to do for such a long time. I have this note that I wrote when I was in grade school in which I said that I wanted to be a missionary when I grew up....I can't believe how long ago that was and how blessed I am to have the chance to live out this dream. Thanks again to all of you that have been so supportive!!!
So one of the most eventful things that has happened recently was that I got the chance to take a week vacation in Romania. One of my good friends, Eli, from my hometown of Grangeville has been working this summer in Romania for some missionaries so I got the chance to travel there to hang out with him and travel around Romania. It was a crazy week of traveling all over the place but I had the best time. There are so many things that happened but I'll try to keep this really short. First we went North to a town called BraÅŸov which had a really neat old section of town. (this picture is looking over the all the beautiful buildings in Brasov) Many of the buildings were really old and from the medieval period of this time. There were a lot of beautiful churches around the town and we were able to see some Orthodox services going on.
(This big church sticking up out of the other buildings is called the Black big and beautiful) Its so incredible how much work was put into these churches...all of them had such beautiful paintings on the inside and on the ceilings. Randomly, there was a medieval fair going on the weekend that we were there so we were able to see a parade, hear some awesome music, and watch some actual jousting. I think that the coolest part of this was the was like a medieval rodeo! It was really something to see the horses running at each other and people flying off of horses...made me feel a little bit like I was back in good ole G-ville at a rodeo. (this is at the fair )
After that we went South to the Black Sea for some good beach time. The town that we ended up in on the sea was really cool too because it used to be a Greek city thousands of years ago so there were bits and pieces of Greek remains around and just a lot of neat churches and mosques to see. One of my favorite things that we saw was this big mosaic floor that dated from 600 or 700 BC. The beach itself was a lot of fun too. Overall the trip was a ton of fun and I'm so glad that I got the chance to see some awesome Romania culture! (this picture of the town of Constanţa was taken from this tower we climbed that was part of an Islamic mosque by the sea...this tower was so cool, I wish we had towers as parts of our churches!)
Thank you to those who have been keeping me updated on what's going on at home. I really appreciate hearing about what's been happening. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Some of the the prayer needs that I have right now are: 1)to be able to learn more Romanian and to use it more (I learned traveling around Romania just how terrible my Romanian is and that I need to start putting more time into my lessons), 2) to be more effective in sharing my faith directly with Moldovans because I feel that working in an office that I don't get out to meet enough nonbelievers, 3) that I will be motivated to read my Bible and pray more. I have been slacking off a lot lately and I just can't seem to get into a regular pattern of devotions. If you have any prayer requests, please send them my way. I really love hearing from you all!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Second post
Hello everyone! I hope that this finds you all doing well. There are so many different things that I wish I could tell you all about Moldova but I know that no one wants to read a ten page paper so I will try to keep this as short as possible! So many things have happened in the past three weeks and I can’t believe that pretty soon I will have been here for a month. God has blessed me so much here...I've met some incredible people so far and feel that I'm starting to adapt to the culture. Last week was a little hard and I was missing home and wondering a little bit why I'm here. The past week has been so much better and I'm really starting to feel that God has put me here for a reason.
Some of the biggest news in my life here is that my working permit came through for me to stay here for a year. It was a very long process to obtain it involving many steps and a lot of things that I didn’t understand. So many things in
So even though I have been approved for a year, I'm still not sure how long I will actually be here. I'll be here somewhere between six months to a year. I have been praying about it and I don't feel yet that God has given me an answer . Since I'm still adjusting too I don't want to make a hasty decision....frankly I'm just really bad about making decisions and committing to a year anywhere is hard for me right now. Please keep me in your prayers that I will know what God wants of me.
The other big news in my life right now is that in August I will be taking a ten day trip to
This past weekend I got the chance to go to
The weddings here are pretty different than in the
The church services that I have been to so far have been pretty close to what I am used to. They are a bit more conservative than American services in some ways in that all of the married women wear scarves on their heads and jewelery is considered worldly. Its weird because the women will wear very stylish dresses and high heels but it is bad to them to wear any jewelery. The services are around two hours long and are similar to American services except that there are more than one preacher that speaks and they don't sing very many songs. There is also a good number of performers who take their turn singing or playing instruments for the congregation. It is not unusual for there to be four or five different performances within a church service. Another strange thing is that weddings are conducted during the Sunday morning church service. It is basically the same as a regular service except that the bride and groom sit on the stage and the message is more geared toward them.
Another interesting experience here so far has been the shopping. Most of the shopping here is at open air markets where pretty much anything can be bought. I went a few weekends ago to a clothing market and was pretty surprised by the selection of clothing. There was even a big section for wedding dresses. It was so weird to be at a market like that and there to be these intricate wedding dresses all outside and girl running around trying on dresses. For the most part, things like clothes and electronics are more expensive to buy here and of lower quality than in the States. The food is much cheaper for mostly everything but there are plenty of things that they don’t have here that I’m used to. Some weird things that can’t be found here: peanut butter, zip lock bags, marshmallows, brown sugar, and very much lettuce (I had some at someone’s house but I can’t find it in the stores). The fresh fruit in the markets definitely make up for it though…right now raspberries, cherries, and of course tomatoes and cucumbers are in season and very cheap. Everyone here eats so many tomatoes and cucumbers together. Almost every meal that I eat involves either of these. I don’t know what happened to me but all of sudden I’m loving so many things that I used to hate like raw tomatoes, mushrooms, and cabbage. I really eat so differently here than I do in the States.
(this is in downtown Chisinau, these people have a stuffed bear and caribou and you can pay to have your picture taken with them. I didn't realize that until after I had taken the picture and the person that I was with told me to stop taking pictures)
My internship has been going great. I really like all of the other employees here and have had a good time getting to know them. On Saturday, my organization held a conference for business training for local entrepreneurs and clients. When they were trying to find a job for me to do for the conference, they asked if I had ever video taped anything. I said yes thinking about some of the weird videos that I made in college with my digital camera (Some of you may remember the classic, “Nemo, the killer bug”). Definitely a bad idea to tell them that because it led to me being in charge of video taping the conference and I haven’t ever worked with a real video camera before. Anyway it turned out to be a fun job and now I get to edit the video to make a clip for our website. When it gets done maybe I’ll send you all the link to our website so you can see a little bit more about what I do here. I have also been working on putting together case studies of different clients that have been helped by the loans here. For this I get to travel to where the clients are and take pictures and do interviews. So far everything that I have been put in charge of has been a lot of fun and I’m really enjoying being here. (this is one of the women that I did a case study on...her business has been helped by microloans)
My Romanian has been coming along slowly....there are so many people here that speak English that it is hard for me to practice a whole lot. Luckily so much of it is similar to Spanish so that makes it easier to learn since I've had some Spanish in the past. Everyone here is so incredible at languages, a lot of people know three or four different languages fluently and can speak other languages to some degree. It makes me feel pretty dumb when people ask me what languages I speak and I have to say only English.
(this is my host family and me in Northern Moldova at their grandparents/parents house)
Well, this has turned out to be just a long as the other entry….if any of you are still reading this, thanks for your perseverance!! Like I said before, let me know how you are doing. Just because I’m in another country doesn’t mean that I don’t want to get email! I really miss you all so much! O zi buna (have a good day)!!!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
I made it!!
So finally after so much anticipation, I made it to Moldova on Sunday May 27th in the evening. It was such a strange feeling to be in a place where English is not the main language spoken! I did not have any contact information for the person picking me up at the airport who is director of the office here where I work. Luckily I must have looked very lost or else very American because right after I got out customs he and his wife came up to me to ask who I was. It was such a relief and a blessing to have made it without any problems. (here is a map of the country since I know that many of you have no idea where I am)
Right away all of my fears of living in a hut for six months vanished. The house itself is very small compared to what I am used to but it is very well taken care of and clean with all of the modern conveniences that I am used to (and there is a front door, they just have a curtain over the door to let cool air in :)) The family that I'm living with consists of Nadya, the mother, and her three teenage sons, Jake, Igor, and Dima. Their father died of cancer about nine years ago and from what I can see his death was very hard on the family. They are all so proud of him and talk about his accomplishments all of the time. It is very sad. Nadya also has a daughter, Irena, who is my age who is married and lives in an apartment with her husband. Even though the house is very small, my room is in fact very large and is the largest bedroom in the house. Amazingly enough, there is a piano in my room so hopefully I will be able to find some time to play. If I can find a piano teacher that speaks English, I will try to take some lessons.