Its been just over a month since I got back to Idaho after being in Moldova for nine months. I can hardly believe that I am already back and that my time in Moldova is over. At times it felt like I had been there for such a long time and that I still had a lot to go before I could come home. Now when I look back, I can't believe how fast it really all went. My last month there was one crazy blur. I had a lot of work still left to do and a lot of things that I wanted to see. Its funny how I was there for nine months and there were so many thingsthere at the end that I still hadn't seen just because I kept putting them off. One awesome trip that I was able to take before I left was a visit to a small Gypsy town in Northern Moldova with my friends Shauna and Tanya. There was this amazing fortress in the town that was locked up when we got there. I had looked up the fortress online before we went and their website had said that they were open everyday and I was so disappointed because I really wanted to go inside. We had driven three hours to get there so I was definitely bummed out that we couldn't go in. We saw a sign that said to call during the winter to set up an appointment to see it. I thought that with the way things work in Moldova, there would be
no way that we would be able to get ahold of anyone and set up a tour. Luckily, we called the number and within ten minutes a man came down to open the fortress for us. This guy spoke ten different languages, including English, and told us all about the history of the area and fortress along with a bunch of his political opinions about Moldova and America. When this guy got talking, he just went off. He had a lot of character and it was really funny to hear him. This fortress was just beautiful and from the top gave a great view of the town, certainly worth the 50 cents it cost toget in! As soon as the man came to open it up for us, all these kids just appeared from nowhere and started running around and playing in the fortress. I starting thinking about it and realized just how lucky these kids were to be able t
o play in a real castle! I can't think of how many times growing up I pretended to be playing in a castle. We also took a drive up this hill where all of these beautiful Gypsy houses were. Some of these houses were more like palaces and were decorated so elaborately. A lot of Gypsies that lived in this area made their money through the Russian Mafia or through other illegal means. There were a lot of houses that were half way completed and we found out that later it was because the Gypsies involved in the mafia either got in trouble or just ran out of money in the middle of construction. We also learned that many of them were very concerned with building the biggest house to beat their neighbors and many would end up with
these giant mansions with empty rooms inside. The king of the Moldovan Gypsies also lived on this hill so it was pretty cool to see his "palace".
Within the last month that I was in Moldova, I was able to get another video done for Invest-Credit. When I look back on it now, I have no idea how I was able to get so much done in just a month. God definitely gave me a lot of strength! I still have one more video to make and will hopefully be able to get this done with the next month or so. I feel so fortunate that I was able to learn this new skill when I was in Moldova. I don't think that I ever would have learned how to put videos together on my own.I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave Moldova. The last few weeks that I was there all I could think about was how excited I was to be going home. The last week when I was saying my goodbyes to everyone was when it really started to hit me that I wasn't going to see these people again and that it was possible that I would never be back in Moldova. God really blessed me with some of the
best friends,both Moldovan and American, while I was there. I will always look back on my time in Moldova with so much love for the people and the country. When I got on my first plane in Moldova to come home, I just started crying and would start up again whenever I heard someone speaking Romanian or when something on the flight reminded me of Moldova. I don't know if I was just tired or what but I have never cried in public like that before. All the other people around probably thought that someone I knew had died or that I was crazy but I just couldn't believe that I would be going back to America where no one had any idea of all the things that I had just gone through or knew what it was like to live in Moldova. I think it is still hard for me to really explain just what Moldova is like. Even for those of you that have read through this whole blog, I feel like there are still so many details and stories that I have left out. My friend Tanya, who has been amissionary in Moldova for the past five years, really put it a great way. Sh
e said that its so hard to leave Moldova knowing that there is no one at home in America to talk to about Moldova with. I have definitely found this to be the hardest thing about being back. I feel like the past nine months of my life are just too complicated to explain when someone asks me how my time in Moldova was. I'm sure that it is the same way for everyone that spends time in another country. It's just too hard to explain things and there is no way to get the full picture until you actually go there. So the question that everyone keeps asking me is if I plan on going back to Moldova. For now, I don't think that I will be back in Moldova for anything long term again but I do definitely want to go back to see how things change. I think that Moldova has so much potential for growth and I would love to see how Invest-Credit continues to help entrepreneurs.
Another question that everyone has been asking is what I plan to do next. I still feel that God has called me into missions but I have noidea where I would want to go or just what I would do. I have a lot of student loans that I need to get paid off so I have decided to move to Boise and to work there until my debt is gone. Hopefully by this time I will have some direction and know where to go! I am starting a new job soon at Mission Aviation Fellowship. This is a missions organization that uses aviation to reach the many remote areas of the world with the message of the Gospel and also things like food and medical supplies. Before I graduated last year, I did my internship there and have since felt like I would love to work there again. The job that I will be doing will be in the Development department working to get graphic design projects done. I won't be designing or doing the graphic design myself, but will be working with the artist to make sure that projects are finished on time. I am so excited to not only be working for an amazing organization and getting to still beinvolved in missions but I am also so happy to be able to be gaining new experience in the area of marketing. God has definitely blessed me with the perfect job!!! I will be moving to Boise within the next week and will start work soon. Please keep me in your prayers as I make this move and start a whole new chapter of my life. Even though I am thrilled to be working in missions still, I think that it will be hard for me to constantly see missionaries leaving and to realize that it may be a while before I will be able to leave America myself. It has been so great to be home and I really have had a great time being back in Grangeville for this past month but I still feel this itch to get out of America and see more of the world. I feel like there is just so much more out there to see!
Thank you so much for sticking with me these past nine months! First off, I never would have made it to Moldova without all of the financial support of so many different people. So thank you so much for your support in this way. More importantly, I wouldn't have had nearly as productive an experience if there hadn't been so many people praying for me through all of my issues and just encouraging me to keep up my work. Even though there were plenty of times that I felt alone in Moldova, I was always comforted knowing that there were a lot of people who cared about me back home. Thank you for your prayers! This is my last blog entry so don't worry about checking back here anymore! If you want to contact me, my email is Just because I'm home doesn't mean that I don't want to continue to hear from you! Thanks for reading and may God bless you wherever you are!! La revedere!